Working at BOIP

Working at BOIP entails working in an international, customer-drivenprofessional and efficient environment. Not only does BOIP register brands, BOIP itself is a brand. It is a strong and inspiring brand, attractive to clients and partners alike. We see delivering on that brand as our core task, alongside providing information and performing registration. So, working at BOIP means making the effort to find out what the client is looking for. How can we be of service? And how can we bring the outside world inside? We want to be aware of what is going on in our professional field at all times, so that we can deliver bespoke work and offer personal, one-on-one attention. If we deliver on that, we make the difference for our clients, in the wonderful world of intellectual property.

Who are we looking for?

Optimal service for our clients is a must. For a start that means working as a single team, based on our shared vision, mission and core values. We are looking for colleagues with an affinity for intellectual property, who care about clients and about co-workers. Motivated by this personal commitment, we go full out to share our knowledge and expertise.

BOIP employees are independent and enterprising experts, who are always looking to develop as professionals and grow as individuals. They work together, across departmental lines, to achieve the best results. They are open to the world around them and accustomed to working in an international context.

What we offer

We seek to provide an inspiring working atmosphere, where employees are challenged to utilise their talents to the full. Initiatives that lead to improvements are encouraged and rewarded. We also offer excellent primary and secondary terms of employment, including an attractive salary structure, a 36-hour working week, parental leave, education scheme and room for personal development.

Unsolicited job applications

Does our organisation appeal to you and do you think you can contribute to the realization of our vision and mission? to achieving our vision and mission? Then we are happy to invite you to apply, be you an established or young professional. Please send a letter and CV to François Rorijs, Senior HR Officer,

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