The overview below sets out all fees for trademarks, designs and i-DEPOT.
Which fees do you want to see?
Basic fees
The main fees for trademark registration applications are given below. Click on the tabs for exact prices.
Application for Benelux trademark registration for 10 years | from € 244 |
Application for Benelux trademark accelerated registration | from € 440 |
Renewal of trademark registration for 10 years | from € 263 |
Our fees are exempt from VAT.
You can request registration of a trademark in the three Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) via BOIP. The fees structure for a Benelux trademark is set out in the table below. The exact price depends on your choices, such as the goods and services for which you seek protection.
Application for individual Benelux trademark registration, including one class (valid for 10 years)
| € 244
Application for collective or certification trademark registration, including one class (valid for 10 years)
| € 379
Supplement for accelerated registration, including one class
| € 196
Supplement for the description of distinguishing features | € 41 |
Submission of the application for trademark registration to one or more non-Benelux countries | 100 Swiss francs |
You can apply for registration of a trademark in one or more non-Benelux countries (international registration) via BOIP. This takes place via WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation). The fee for BOIP forwarding your application to WIPO is 100 Swiss francs. In addition, the basic fee for an international registration and the fees for registering your trademark in the relevant countries apply (current fees per country can be found at You must pay WIPO directly. You can use the WIPO fee calculator to calculate the cost of an international registration.
Fees international trademark registration
You can only apply for an international trademark registration if you already have a national trademark registration. More about international trademark registration
It is also possible to file your trademark application via an external IP professional.
Transfer, licence, right of pledge or seizure
Cancellation of licence, right of pledge, or seizure | free of charge |
Limitation of the list of goods and/or services, per trademark | € 46 |
Change of or appointment of representative
Modification of name and/or address of applicant, representative, trademark owner or licensee | free of charge |
Correction of typing errors made by the holder, after registration
Modification of regulations for use and control of the trademark | free of charge |
Online renewal of Benelux trademark registration (via My BOIP), including one class - individual trademark
€ 263
Online renewal of Benelux trademark registration (via My BOIP), including one class - collective or certification trademark
€ 480
Supplement for submitting request and/or payment within six months after the expiry date | € 135 |
Lodge an objection (file an opposition)
You can lodge an objection (file an opposition) with BOIP against any application to register a trademark that is very similar to yours. Costs for an opposition procedure are set out in the table below.
Fee per opposition filed | € 1,045 |
Supplement per right invoked after the third | € 105 |
Request to suspend the procedure and extension thereof before the start of the procedure (max. 3 times) | free of charge |
Request to suspend the procedure and extension thereof in other cases, per 4 months | € 152 |
Possible additional costs:
* One page = maximum 30 lines, with maximum 80 characters per line. |
Initiate a cancellation procedure
Basic fee for a cancellation procedure | € 1,420 |
Supplement per ground invoked after the third | € 142 |
Supplement per right invoked after the third | € 142 |
Request for suspension for the first three consecutive periods | free of charge |
Request to suspend the procedure and extend it in other cases, per 4 months | € 152 |
Possible additional costs:
* One page = a maximum of 30 lines, with a maximum of 80 characters per line. |
BOIP Trademark Alert
Datoliet (digital updates of details in the Trademarks Register)
Opposition Datoliet (digital updates of applications that are open to opposition)
On the basis of 1,800 applications per month, for instance, the cost amounts to €2,160 per subscriber per year. |