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Information Centre

We can help you!

Medewerkers BOIP informatiecentrum

For general information, questions about your trademark or design registration, or about submitting an i-DEPOT.

We are ready for you five days a week.


078 052 242 (from Belgium)
070 349 12 42 (from The Netherlands)
8002 5383 (from Luxembourg)

Monday - Thursday
09:00 -12:00 am, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm.  

10:00 -12:00 am, 1:00 and 5:00 pm. 


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Looking for advice?

BOIP is an independent body. We provide a lot of information about the possibilities for registering trademarks and designs, but we cannot advise you about your personal situation. If you are having difficulty finding your way, there are of course experts who can assist you. An IP professional can advise you on the best way to protect your trademark or design. They can even take care of the whole registration process for you. You can find contact details of specialists at

For media enquiries, please contact our spokespersons

Camille Janssen
Principal Legal Officer I Spokesperson
Pieter Veeze
Principal Legal Officer I Spokesperson
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