Working at BOIP

Working at BOIP entails an international, customer-driven, professional and efficient environment. As well as registering brands, BOIP itself is also a brand. It is a strong brand, attractive to clients and partners alike. It is also inspiring. We see this as our core task, alongside informing and registering. So, working with BOIP means: finding out what the client wants. How can we be of service? And how do we check out the outside world? - so that we are constantly in touch across our field. So that we can deliver customized work. Plus personal, one-on-one attention. That's how we make the difference for our clients, in this very special world of intellectual property.

Who are we looking for?

Optimal service for our clients is a must. For a start that means working as a single team, based on our shared vision, mission and core values. We are looking for colleagues with an affinity for intellectual property. They will show interest in clients and in each other. Starting with this personal commitment we proactively deploy our knowledge and expertise, and we do this to the maximum.

BOIP employees are independent and enterprising experts, for whom personal development is ongoing, as is the search for personal growth. They work together - across departmental lines - to get the best results. They are welcoming to the world around them, where working in an international context is routine.

What we have to offer

We seek an inspiring working climate where employees are challenged to optimally deploy their talents.  Initiatives leading to improvement are encouraged and rewarded. We also offer excellent primary and secondary terms of employment, including an attractive salary structure, a 36-hour working week, parental leave, study packages and room for personal development.

BOIP is a 'Great Place to Work’ 

Logo Great Place to Work OCT 2023 - OCT 202482% of staff think that BOIP is a ‘great place to work’. The 'Great Place to Work' certificate is based on what is known as the ‘Trust Index’. This is a survey carried out among staff that gives insight into how much trust, pride and pleasure our staff have in working for our organisation.  


Unsolicited job applications

Does our organization appeal to you and do you think you can contribute to the realization of our vision and mission? Then we are happy to invite you to apply, as a (young) professional. Please send your motivation and CV to François Rorijs, Senior HR Officer,


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