Webinars for IP professionals

On this webpage you will find all webinars organised by BOIP for IP Professionals. In the past years we have given webinars to update you on the latest developments in the field of trademarks in the Benelux from BOIP's perspective. The aim of the webinars is to provide you with useful tips for your practice. Below you will find the presentations and recordings of the webinars from 2020 - 2023.



Annual overview 2024

After this webinar, you will know all the relevant decisions for your practice that have been made in 2024. 

Presentation by 

Eline Schiebroek (Legal Officer) and Camille Janssen (Principal Legal Officer)

Replay webinar Annual overview 2024

Download the presentation (PDF, 1,55 KB)

Use part III – reputation

This webinar is the last one in a row of the series webinars in which we focus on the theme 'Use'. Tineke tells you how to effectively demonstrate reputation. You will also learn more about BOIP's assessment of reputation using a number of practical examples. 

Presentation by 

Tineke van Hoey (Legal Officer)

Replay webinar Reputation

Download the presentation (PDF, 608 KB)

Use part II – genuine use

This webinar is the second in a row of three webinars in which we focus on the theme 'Use'. Yvonne tells you how to effectively demonstrate genuine use by means of useful insights and through real-life examples. 

Presentation by 

Yvonne Noorlander (Legal Officer)

Replay webinar Genuine use

Download the presentation (PDF, 506 KB)

Use part I - acquired distinctiveness

This webinar is the first in a row of three webinars in which we focus on the theme 'Use'. Pieter tells you everything about the why, what, when, where and how from acquired distinctiveness. 

Presentation by 

Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal Officer) 

Replay webinar Acquired distinctiveness 

Download the presentation (PDF, 353 KB)



Annual overview BOIP decisions 2023

This webinar brings you up to speed on the most relevant developments for your practice. At BOIP but also at the Benelux Court of Justice. 

Presentation by 

Eline Schiebroek (Legal Officer) and Camille Janssen (Principal Legal Officer) 

Replay webinar Annual overview BOIP decisions 2023 

Download the presentation (PDF, 1,127 KB)

Flags in trademarks

In this ultra-short BOIP coffee break webinar you will gain insight in how BOIP deals with applications for trademarks containing flags or parts thereof. You can then take that into account if you are planning on registering a trademark containing a flag. 

Presentation by 

Tineke Van Hoey (Legal Officer at BOIP) 

Replay webinar Flags in trademarks 

Download the presentation (PDF, 627 KB)

Portrait trademarks

In this short coffee break webinar you will know how BOIP deals with applications for portrait trademarks and what is required for them. You will also learn how BOIP’s policy differs with respect to that of EUIPO.

Presentation by

Tomas Westenbroek (Legal officer at BOIP)

Replay webinar portrait trademarks 

Download the presentation (PDF, 831 KB)



Absolute grounds

This webinar focuses on the day-to-day practice of BOIP. Both refusals and cancellation procedures concerning absolute grounds are discussed.

Presentation by

Yvonne Noorlander (Legal officer at BOIP) and Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal officer at BOIP) 

Replay webinar Absolute grounds 

Download the presentation (PDF, 561 KB)

Relative grounds

BOIP shares insights and tips & tricks on proceedings between parties. Furthermore, interesting case law and developments on, inter alia, likelihood of confusion, reputation and the 'new' relative grounds in relation to Agent and Agri trade marks are discussed.

Presentation by

Eline Schiebroek (Legal officer at BOIP) and Camille Janssen (Principal Legal officer at BOIP) 

Replay webinar Relative grounds 

Download the presentation (PDF, 1.09 MB)



Bad faith

The principle of ‘bad faith’ has now been dealt with in a number of different cancellation decisions at BOIP. When is there question of ‘bad faith’ and how does it have to be demonstrated? 

Presentation by

Michiel Haegens (partner at Turnstone and former President of the Benelux Association for Trademark and Design Law (BMM) and Camille Janssen (Principal Legal officer at BOIP).

Replay webinar Bad Faith

Download the presentation (PDF, 442 KB)

New types of trademarks

What is the current situation regarding the new types of trademark? How do these types of trademark compare with the more traditional trademarks, and what do you have to look out for when registering them? 

Presentation by

Ellen Gevers (partner at Knijff and secretary of the Benelux Association for Trademark and Design Law (BMM)) and Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal officer at BOIP)

Replay webinar New types of trademarks

Download the presentation (PDF, 4.6 MB)

Annual overview of opposition and cancellation case law

Different decisions from the past year will be discussed in which practical issues concerning proof of use, the principle of hearing both sides of the argument and the need for an extra round were relevant.

Presentation by

Eline Schiebroek (Legal officer at BOIP) and Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal officer at BOIP) 

Replay webinar Annual overview of opposition and cancellation case law

Download the presentation (PDF, 637 KB)



Update on the BOIP cancellation procedure and Benelux Court of Justice


Presentation by

Diter Wuytens (Manager Operations at BOIP) and Saskia Smits (International Cooperation Officer at BOIP)

Replay webinar

Update on the implementation of the Trademark Package


Presentation by

Tomas Westenbroek (Legal Officer at BOIP) and Camille Janssen (Principal Legal Officer at BOIP)

Replay webinar

Guidelines on absolute grounds


Presentation by

Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal Officer at BOIP) and Eline Schiebroek (Legal Officer at BOIP)

Replay webinar

If you have any questions about the webinars, please e-mail your questions to legal@boip.int.

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