26 april: World IP Day!

26 April is World Intellectual Property Day: “World IP Day.” This day has been proclaimed by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) to call attention all over the world to intellectual property and the ways it encourages innovation and creativity. World IP Day 2018 is a special tribute to women inventors this year.

In Belgium

The Dienst Intellectuele Eigendom (DIE) of the FPS Economy and the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) work closely together to provide entrepreneurs with clear, accessible information, enabling them to protect and use their IP optimally. They do this e.g. via the website: www.ieisjouwzaak.be

In the Netherlands

Octrooicentrum Nederland [Netherlands Patent Office] and the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) work closely with the Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the "Raad voor Plantenrassen" [Board for Plant Varieties]. They provide clear, accessible information, enabling entrepreneurs to protect and use their IP optimally. They do this in part via the website: www.ieisjouwzaak.nl

In Europe

World IP Day is highlighted throughout Europe as well. The national services run a joint campaign featuring the video produced by the BOIP in 2017. In recognition of the occasion, the EUIPO has translated this video into all EU languages.

Would you like to help promote IP for World IP Day? Share your messages via social media with the hashtag #WorldIPDay.

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