BMM congratulates BOIP on its 50th anniversary

The Spring meeting of the BMM, the Benelux Association for Trademark and Design Law, took place on 25 March. During the general meeting of members, the President of the BMM, Johan Dedeckel, the Vice-President, Theo-Willem van Leeuwen, and all the members of the Board took time out to mark the 50th anniversary of BOIP. Beautiful flowers were presented together with much praise, and the amicable working relationship between the two organisations was much remarked upon.

The topic of the BMM meeting was ‘2021 – Oops…… what’s happened to my trademark?’. In line with COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting was held online. The recordings were made and the live sessions took place in the BOIP building. Deputy Director General of BOIP, Hugues Derème, expressed the hope that it might be possible to organise a physical event in the coming autumn to celebrate this 50-year milestone with our customers, partners and other stakeholders.  

BMM feliciteert BOIP


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