Keep your knowledge up to date with EUIPO Academy

EUIPO academy is offering a wide range of learning opportunities in 2022. Specially tailored to meet the needs of the IP professional, they are offering a diverse range of conferences, events and webinars. 

New content and courses continue to be added to the already extensive collection – reason enough to make sure you regularly visit the EUIPO Academy Learning Portal

EUIPO podcasts 

In addition to the extra learning opportunities, EUIPO is also developing a new service: EUIPO-podcasts. When the podcasts will go live in 2022 is not yet known – but we’re looking forward to it!   

Education programme for professionals 

Specialist education programmes will also be offered for targeted professional groups. For example, the EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme will start in the autumn with an edition for IP professionals and an edition for paralegals. 

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