Webinars for IP professionals: registration open

As previously announced, we will be holding three webinars at the end of this year to update you on the latest developments in the field of trademarks in the Benelux from BOIP's perspective. The aim of the webinars is to provide you with useful tips for your practice. The dates and topics to be covered in each webinar, as well as the links to register, are set out below.


  • 25 November, 11.00-12.00: Update on the BOIP cancellation procedure and the Benelux Court of Justice
  • 2 December, 11.00-12.00: Update on implementation of the TM Package
  • 9 December, 11.00-12.00: New BOIP Guidelines on Refusals.

Two speakers from BOIP will elucidate these topics by means of a presentation, followed by an interactive Q&A session.

Each webinar will last one hour.

The language of communication during the webinars will be English.

Each webinar corresponds to 1 BMM professional education point.

Want to register?

registerA total of 500 participants may register per webinar. It is up to you whether you take part in one or more webinars.

You can only register by using the links below.

Participation is free of charge.

Did you miss the webinars? You can watch the recordings on our website.

Your input requested!

Do you already have questions regarding one or more of these topics? If so, let us know and we will address them during the webinars. Please send your questions to legal@boip.int.

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