What did BOIP achieve in 2021? Find out in our Annual Report!

What can you remember from 2021? You most certainly remember the COVID-19 pandemic and the various lockdowns. Perhaps you can also recall the European football championship that was postponed and then took place in 2021. What was going on at BOIP though?

BOIP in 2021

BOIP50In 2021, we celebrated our 50th anniversary with a digital tour through 50 years of intellectual property (IP).  Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were obliged to postpone our big party plans for a while, but we're going to make up for that in 2022!

Our employees worked a lot from home again in 2021, due to the pandemic. In addition, we switched over definitively to online events for entrepreneurs and IP professionals, producing and broadcasting them from our own studio. That this satisfies a large demand can be seen from the number of participants and how positively our events are valued. It is with great pleasure then that we will be continuing these events.

online events BOIP in 2021We have also gone a long way in other areas, such as promoting IP with entrepreneurs, cooperating with organisations in the Benelux and in Europe, evaluating our language regime, and making our organisation more sustainable. In short, it was once again a productive and successful year!

Plans for 2022

In 2022 also, we are continuing to work hard at realising our ambitions. Improving our provision of service, the experiences of our customers and the way we provide information is always at the heart of that. So, we are very keen to keep learning from the feedback we receive from you!

Furthermore, we are continually investing in cooperation with our partners, so that together we can strengthen the IP system and together we can ensure that entrepreneurs can find their way more and more easily in the world of IP.

More information?

Our Annual Report 2021 provides an overview of our milestones and key financial figures. You will also find a selection of our activities in 2022, as well as our ambitions for the future.

The BOIP Annual Report 2021 is available here

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