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What are your ideas for the future of the Benelux?

The Benelux’s future plans are laid down in the 2021-2024 Benelux multi-annual plan. The Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok, gave the official kick-off for a broad consultation on the multi-annual plan at the launch of the Dutch presidency of the Benelux. Ragnar Gustafsson, Director-General of BOIP commented "As the official body for trademark and design registration in the Benelux, we benefit greatly from good cooperation across the board between the three countries."


Eight themes which lend themselves to cooperation between the three countries have been identified, e.g. security and climate change. The Secretariat-General of the Benelux wants to join forces with entrepreneurs and citizens to determine how best to take action on those themes. “We are looking to citizens to help determine what is important when it comes to future Benelux cooperation," said Benelux Secretary-General Alain de Muyser.

Do you want to tell us what matters to you? Do you have ideas on how the Benelux countries can bolster their cross-border cooperation? Make your voice heard now on You have until 1 June 2020 to do so. On that website, you can also read about other ideas that have been put forward on that site.

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