BOIP obtains ISO information security certification

ISO logo TUV nederlandWe are proud to announce that we have been awarded ISO 27001 information security certification. It is our objective to provide the highest quality service to our customers, and ensuring robust information security is a crucial part of that.

What is ISO?

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international body that sets standards. One of those standards, ISO 27001, concerns information security. When an organisation is ISO 27001-compliant, you have a guarantee that its information security policy is in good order.

What is information security?

Information security encompasses all the measures that an organisation can take to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information. As a public service provider, we handle a lot of confidential information. Our information security policy ensures that we maintain control over our data, and over that of our customers. On the one hand, the policy is preventive: it uncovers potential risks. On the other hand, it is reactive: it provides a clear protocol in the event that things go wrong, to remedy the problem as quickly as possible.

Why seek certification?

BOIP takes information security very seriously. We want to ensure that our customers are receiving the highest quality of service now and continue to do so in the future. Information security is a crucial service component and is, therefore, afforded a very high priority in our organisation. Our ISO certification demonstrates that we are in control. We have set out exactly how we operate and how we monitor what we do. By implementing improvements periodically, we stay sharp and keep our service quality consistently high.

"The organisation operates in a state-of-the-art technical environment and exhibits consistent mastery of the applicable measures."
Robert Bals (Lead Auditor ISO 27001, TÜV Nederland)

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