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Is your company now on track? Then it really is time to protect your name or logo. We share 7 benefits

Registering your trademark has many benefits. We have set them out for you below. In short, by registering your trademark you gain the monopoly on the name or the logo of your company and the products or services you provide. The costs should not be an obstacle: you can have protection from € 244 for 10 years.  

  • Is your company beginning to take off? Then it really is time to check whether you have properly protected your name or logo. 
  • Simple misunderstandings about trademark protection can cost you dear! 
  • For instance, did you know that your trade name – the name you use for your company – only gives you protection in the region where your company is active? 
  • Would you like to have the exclusive right on your name and thereby prevent other companies from using the name of your company or your product? If so, you should register it as a trademark. 

Is trademark registration useful for your business?
You only actually own your name or logo if you have registered your trademark. If you have, then you have a monopoly on your brand. There are many advantages to that. Read all about it on our page ‘All about trademarks’.   

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The 7 benefits of registering your trademark: 

  1. You have a monopoly on your trademark. When you register the name and/or logo of your company, products or services as an official trademark, you are the only person who may use that trademark. Moreover, you can only have that exclusive right by registering your trademark. Did you believe you have a monopoly on your name simply by registering your trade name in the Trade Register? Perhaps you were thinking that copyright gives you sufficient protection? It is not the case.  
  2. Trademark registration means that you own your trademark. So, you do not only have an exclusive right to use it; you also own it. What is important to know is that no trademark registration means you do not own your company name, the name of your product or your logo. You might have come up with it yourself or asked someone to design it for you, but you do not own it in a legal sense.  
  3. You can sell your trademark or license it. An extra benefit of ownership is that you can also sell that right of ownership or license it. You may not be thinking about that at present, but if you receive an offer to buy your company in 8 years’ time, for instance, you’ve got it made!  
  4. You protect your company against counterfeiting. Trademark registration can help prevent someone else doing business with your name or logo. It means you are in a strong position from a legal point of view. In other words, you are armed. Legal matters cost time and money, of course, but with no registration there is not much you can do from a legal point of view. 
  5. You brand gains more credibility. If you register your trademark, you can use the ® symbol – which stands for registered trademark. It sends out signals of professionalism and credibility to your customers. The ® symbol also shows that you are in a position of monopoly. That is interesting for those who might want to invest in your brand. We have set out all the benefits of the ® symbol for you in this article. 
  6. Investing in your brand pays off. We already mentioned that registering your trademark gives you the benefit of ownership. That brings with it the additional benefit, of course, that investing in your brand increases its value. By registering your trademark, you invest in something that is yours and in something that, after a period of time, can be even more rewarding financially. You can compare it with renting or buying a house. When you buy a house, you will be more likely to spend a lot on it for renovation, for example, because you can earn back that investment over time. 
  7. Registering a trademark does not cost much. Registration is possible from € 244. Your trademark is then registered for ten years and is also renewable. That is considerably less than any advertising campaign on Facebook or advertisement in the local press.  

Register your trademark in four steps
Registration protects the value of your brand. Be aware: There is a lot to consider when applying for trademark registration. And there are costs involved. Use these four steps to check what opportunities and possibilities are open to you.
Start the four steps

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