Beware misleading invoices!

So, you’ve just applied to register your trademark, and all of a sudden you’re inundated with all kinds of letters and invoices about your trademark registration. This happens regularly, we know, which is why we actively warn people about it.

Recently, we have also been hearing more frequently that entrepreneurs who have not yet registered their trademark are being targeted by e-mail, or even by phone, with all manner of vague offers. Some providers are even pretending to be BOIP employees. 

Woman with lots of bills on her desk and a calculator

How do I know whether a letter or an e-mail is real? 

On our website you will find a list of companies that have contacted entrepreneurs with unclear and/or misleading offers and invoices. We regularly add correspondence currently circulating to that list. Are you doubting whether an offer or an invoice is real? Contact our Information Centre. We will be happy to help you further. 

What should I do with a misleading e-mail or letter? 

If you have an example of a misleading letter or e-mail, send it to us so we can add it to the list on our website. 

How do I know whether an offer made by phone is reliable? 

Here too you should carefully consider what you are being offered, as well as who you have on the line. Don’t accept an offer straightaway. Ask for time to think about it. Write down the name and contact details of the person you have spoken with and check them before you do anything with the offer. If you are in doubt, contact our Information Centre. 

Check the list of misleading correspondence

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