IPR-intensive industries perform better

A follow-up EUIPO/EPO study shows that the relative contribution of IPR-intensive industries has increased again in recent years.

Comparison of the main results

  • There are now 353 IPR-intensive industries in the EU economy, compared with the 342 identified in the previous (2016) study. Approximately two thirds of these industries are intensive in respect of more than one IP right. 
  • Over the same period, IPR-intensive industries generated almost 45% of total economic activity (GDP) in the EU, worth €6.6 trillion. They also accounted for most of the EU's trade with the rest of the world and generated a trade surplus, thus helping to keep the EU's external trade broadly balanced. 
  • IPR-intensive industries generated 29.2% of all jobs in the EU during the period 2014-2016. On average over this period, they employed almost 63 million people in the EU. In addition, another 21 million jobs were generated in industries that supply goods and services to IPRintensive industries. Taking indirect jobs into account, the total number of IPR-dependent jobs rises to 83.8 million (38.9%). 
  • IPR-intensive industries pay significantly higher wages than other industries, with a wage premium of 47% over other industries. This is consistent with the fact that the value added per worker is higher in IPR-intensive industries than elsewhere in the economy.

Contribution of IPR-intensive industries to GDP


Executive summary 
Full report 
For more information and previous studies please visit the website of EUIPO

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