Why ostriches seldom make good CEOs

Here's a question: how much time do you devote to those aspects of your company that aren’t that sexy? For instance: protecting your brand. I’d like to bet that you would much rather be developing new products, bringing clever services on to the market or setting up your marketing campaign. When you do that though, you’re actually burying your head in the sand a bit – and ostriches seldom make successful CEOs. In this article I’ll give you 3 reasons why you should bury your inner ostrich. 

trademark protection

If you don't have any trademark protection, you’re putting your business at risk 

merk registreren ondernemerWhat in effect is your brand name or your logo actually? Yes, that's right, it’s the face of your business. Your customers recognise your product or service by your brand name or logo. The reason you put all of the time, money and effort into your marketing is to make that face more familiar. It’s really quite strange, therefore, not to protect the result of all those efforts as best as you can. If you don’t protect your trademark, you make it much easier for a smart competitor to run off with it. So, what is your business worth to you? 

What do you need to think about when registering your trademark?
Prepare your registration properly. By doing so, you will reduce the risk of other brands wanting to withhold your registration, or of your application being refused. On our page ‘All about trademarks’ you can read about what you need to take into account when registering your trademark. 

Trademark protection: the costs should not be an obstacle

Trademark protection is not expensive. You don’t have to be a multinational to apply for a trademark, and you also don't have to have your name on the Global Rich List. The costs of registering your trademark in the Benelux starts namely at € 244 for 10 years. You're probably spending more on marketing. 

Applying for a trademark is not difficult

Ok, so you can cope with the costs for registering your trademark, but is it not incredibly complicated? That is also not really a problem. In 4 steps we explain what you have to consider when you register a trademark. You can then apply for your trademark online. What if you need help? We are available during office hours for information and help. It's free and it's professional.

Bye bye ostrich

There we have it, dear entrepreneur. There's no excuse anymore. Registering your trademark is neither expensive, nor complicated, but it is extremely important. High time to take your head out of the sand and sort out your trademark protection.

Register your trademark in four steps 
Registration protects the value of your brand. Be aware: There is a lot to consider when applying for trademark registration. And there are costs involved. Use these four steps to check what opportunities and possibilities are open to you.

Start the four steps

Melissa Moncada Castillo
Customer Services Officer
Lawyer, information officer and blogger

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