Yves Hoffmann is the new Director at BOIP

As of 15 September 2021, Yves Hoffmann is the new Deputy Director General for Communication & Customer Services at the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP). His appointment strengthens the Director’s Committee, which further consists of Ragnar Gustafsson (Director General) and Hugues Derème (Deputy Director General). Mr Hoffmann completes the Director’s Committee in conformity with the Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property. Management is delighted with the appointment of Mr Hoffmann and looks forward to welcoming him.

Yves HoffmannFor the past two years, Mr Hoffmann was Head of Communication and Engagement with Mudam Luxembourg: the Museum of Contemporary Art. Before that, he was Head of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs with, among others, BIL (Banque Internationale à Luxembourg) and BGL (BNP Paribas Group in Luxembourg), where he was also responsible for communication in relation to sustainability and CSR. The Executive Board and the BOIP Director's Committee are convinced that his many years of expertise and experience in these areas will be a significant additional asset for the organisation. After comprehensive introduction meetings with colleagues and BOIP business relations, Mr Hoffmann will primarily focus on further professionalizing the customer experience with BOIP. He will also be in charge of corporate communication and marketing.

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