Faster publication time for trademark applications

At BOIP we are constantly working on improving our services. The next step in that process is the achievement of faster processing time for some trademark applications when examining compliance with formal requirements. 

Hands and laptop and the text: word mark

How will it work?

Applications for individual word marks with a known (i.e. approved in our customer database) applicant and/or representative, with classification terms from the Harmonised Database and without priority, will be published the following working day. 

This new working method will apply from 17 October 2023. 

What will be the result?  

As a result of this automatic check, processing will be faster. Publishing earlier means the opposition period can begin quicker and therefore registration may also happen faster. After the application has been published, our examiners will assess the substance of the application. This examination follows the conventional procedure and will therefore take the customary amount of time. 

Plans for future automated processing   

We are looking at how we can extend this quicker publication to a larger proportion of trademark applications.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? 

We would be happy to hear from you if you have any questions or suggestions about our services. Please contact our Information Centre

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