Security for trademark owner address details in the BOIP Trademarks Register

Starting from June 21st 2023, address details of owners of Benelux trademarks are no longer visible by default in the BOIP Trademarks Register. This is to better protect trademark owner details. This message tells you more about the change.

keyboard and hands

What details are affected?

This measure concerns the address details (street and postcode) of trademark owners. Only the name and town/city will remain visible by default. Address details of representatives will still remain fully visible.

How may the address details be viewed?

Address details of trademark owners may be viewed as follows:

  1. Search for the trademark in the Trademarks Register and click on ‘More details’.
  2. Under the heading Holder’ click on 'Show address details'. 
  3. Log in using your My BOIP account details.
    Your account must contain at least one valid trademark, design or i-DEPOT registered with BOIP.
  4. After entering your details you will be returned to the Trademarks Register. The full address details will now be visible to you here.

If you were already logged in to My BOIP, you will be able to view the address details in the Trademarks Register directly. You do not need to log in again.

Why is BOIP doing this?

By blocking access to address details we are responding to the need to meet the increasing privacy concerns of trademark owners. We are beginning with the Trademarks Register; the Designs Register will also follow at a later date.

We will assess this new method of working of course over the coming period. If you have any feedback for us, please let us know.

Do you have any questions or remarks?

The staff at our Information Centre will be pleased to help you!


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