Opposition decisions

Date Number Invoked mark Contested mark Fil. no. Decision Language Status
2008594 COP. COPINE COPINES 932663 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2008027 Jean-Vier VIER 1251848 Partially awarded NL Withdrawn
2006963 E&V EV 1222022 Awarded FR Definitive
2008378 LIEF! A LIEF 1257987 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2008415 NOVACOL NOVUXOL 1260859 Awarded NL Definitive
2008032 BRAVELLE BREVALENCE 1253581 Rejected FR Definitive
2009000 NH Advocaten NN ADVOCATEN 1270627 Rejected NL Definitive
2007875 Esemtan ECEM 1247433 Rejected NL Definitive
2007956 DRAGONS DYNAMITE PSILOCYBE DRAGON 1249673 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2008480 LUMILEDS ILLUMILED 1259028 Awarded FR Definitive
2008770 nationalgrid NORTHSEAGRID 1266949 Rejected NL Definitive
2008318 L'argus du mobile ARGUS TV 1257107 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2008695 PureAyre PURE AIR 933758 Rejected NL Definitive
2007394 AMNESIA AMNESIA 1240234 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2008693 BUSINESS LEASE bike2business 1264791 Rejected NL Definitive
2008764 OXILION Zillion Media 1266670 Rejected NL Definitive
2008841 SENSEA SENZA FLOORS 1268419 Awarded NL Definitive
2008779 VICTORY Victory Flowers 1266111 Awarded NL Definitive
2008424 STICKY STICKY PRESENTATIONS 1258832 Rejected NL Definitive
2009052 CHASIN' Chasing 1267361 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2008888 BB FGB BALENGIANNI FRAGRANCES 1267904 Awarded NL Appeal
2008890 BEVER BEVER 1263018 Awarded NL Definitive
2008891 BEVER BEVER 1262969 Awarded NL Definitive
2008694 STRAIGHT2BANK START2BANK 1264229 Rejected FR Definitive
2008383 RICH JOHN RICHMOND RICH & SON 1257749 Awarded NL Definitive

Invoked mark: ABM/MNC = Algemeen bekend merk / Marque notoirement connue

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