Opposition decisions

Date Number Invoked mark Contested mark Fil. no. Decision Language Status
2005147 BANQUE HOTTINGUER HOTTINGER 1027819 Awarded FR Definitive
2005148 BANQUE HOTTINGUER HOTTINGUER 1027814 Awarded FR Definitive
2005149 BANQUE HOTTINGUER MESSIEURS HOTTINGUER Cie 1027818 Awarded FR Definitive
2006128 JUPITER JUPILER 1216192 Awarded NL Withdrawn
2005422 BACARDI BACCARDI S 1201036 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2005547 MUSE theMuze Tailor-made 1200526 Awarded NL Definitive
2003707 redefining / standards AXA REDEFINANCE 1169148 Rejected NL Definitive
2004654 CHARRETTE RHUM CHARRETTE 1185562 Rejected FR Definitive
2004678 Deka Immobilien Investment DECA IMMOBILIER 1186820 Awarded FR Definitive
2005285 SPIRALO spiral 1033975 Awarded FR Definitive
2003331 ZIJ zi 963704 Rejected FR Definitive
2004655 CHARRETTE CHARRETTE 1185563 Rejected FR Definitive
2004542 BLISS GREEN BLISS 1184514 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2006206 TEMPT temptaste 1216560 Awarded NL Definitive
2005298 SUPREMO SHOES & BOOTS SUPREME 200996 Rejected NL Definitive
2005325 ENECO ENERCO 1200270 Awarded FR Definitive
2005278 MOOVE 4 MOVE 1031791 Awarded FR Appeal
2003968 SIMSON SIMSON 1172495 Rejected NL Definitive
2004077 SIMSON SIMSON 1175229 Rejected NL Definitive
2004715 SPITZ SPRITZ 868828 Awarded NL Definitive
2004339 MERCK Merk M 1172319 Awarded NL Definitive
2001305 MARIE PainMarie 1126690 Awarded NL Definitive
2005901 CELESSENCE ellessence beauty & accessoires 1211262 Rejected NL Definitive
2004861 PINK PINK BRAND OF THE YEAR 1191948 Rejected NL Appeal
2005146 VIVA VIVA COLLECTION 1196738 Rejected NL Definitive

Invoked mark: ABM/MNC = Algemeen bekend merk / Marque notoirement connue

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