Opposition decisions

Date Number Invoked mark Contested mark Fil. no. Decision Language Status
2004450 EPICEROL EPICOL 1182379 Awarded FR Definitive
2004451 EPICEROL EPISOL 1182380 Awarded FR Definitive
2006120 GP GPI 1212397 Awarded FR Definitive
2006142 KISS MISS KISS 892452 Awarded FR Definitive
2006276 DARLING OOH DARLING 1213821 Awarded FR Definitive
2006133 ESPRIT ESPRIT CONTEMPORAIN 1214858 Partially awarded FR Definitive
2004509 SLAKKEN WONDER SLAKKENSLIJMGEL 1182684 Rejected NL Definitive
2005235 EIGENBAK UW EIGEN BAKKER 1199470 Rejected NL Definitive
2005580 MONKEY DONKY MONKEY TOWN 1202561 Rejected NL Definitive
2004951 PLT DPLT 1193759 Rejected FR Definitive
2003899 Shaker cultshaker 1172048 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2005830 LIDL LIL 1209954 Rejected FR Definitive
2005902 HAIR4U ANYWHERE4HAIR UW KAPSTER AAN HUIS 1212467 Rejected NL Definitive
2005679 LINKINCARE Carelinq 1204615 Rejected NL Definitive
2005831 ZEN ZEN@HOME 1207965 Awarded FR Definitive
2005324 Moving Emotions (ABM/MNC) Moving Emotions 1200409 Rejected NL Appeal
2005550 ONLY X-only 2773077 Awarded NL Definitive
2005326 ME M.E. Design & Safety 1201325 Rejected NL Definitive
2005705 CARPE DIEM CARPE DIEM 1202748 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2004957 PARADISE HOTELS& RESORTS PARADICE 1192659 Awarded NL Definitive
2004595 RED RED DRAGON 1183193 Awarded NL Definitive
2006071 BOERMARKE MONA 892124 Rejected NL Definitive
2006072 BOERMARKE MONA 892125 Rejected NL Definitive
2005539 BBVA BVA 883895 Awarded NL Definitive

Invoked mark: ABM/MNC = Algemeen bekend merk / Marque notoirement connue

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