50 years of BOIP!

Yes, you read that right: we have been on the scene for 50 years! The Benelux Trademarks Office, the predecessor to today’s BOIP, opened its doors back in 1971. And so it is that we can now look back on 50 years of history when it comes to protecting trademarks, designs and drawings in the Benelux.

A piece of history
On 1 July 1969, the Benelux Treaty on Trademarks entered into force. In 2006, the Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property (BCIP) took effect. Thanks to the latter, the previous separate rules governing trademarks, drawings and designs were replaced by a single treaty, and the Benelux Trademarks Office and the Benelux Designs Office were merged to become today’s Benelux Office for Intellectual Property. The BCIP continue to form the legal basis for trademark and design law in the Benelux and indeed the basis for our Office. Since it was founded in 1971, BOIP has had its seat in The Hague.

50 years of trademarks, designs and ideasBOIP50 logo
Over the course of 50 years, countless trademarks have been registered in the BOIP Trademarks Register. Today, it boasts more than half a million trademarks!
Did you know that:

  • there are more than 1.5 million registered trademarks valid in the Benelux, including European and international trademarks?
  • around 1,000 applications to register a design are made each year?
  • more than 65,000 online i-DEPOTs have been submitted since 2007?

This illustrates just how important BOIP has been to entrepreneurs wishing to protect their IP in the Benelux over the last 50 years. We intend to continue to provide our expertise and excellent services for many years to come. We are working closely with governments and bodies in the Benelux and beyond to help entrepreneurs better appreciate the value of IP and to harness it for the benefit of their company.

What can you expect in 2021?
Naturally, we will not be letting our golden anniversary pass unnoticed. We want to celebrate this milestone with you. Given the current circumstances, for now however, we can only do that in the virtual world. We aim to inspire you there as entrepreneurs with our blog posts on IP, handy tips and tricks, and with practical tools that you can use straight away. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for the latest updates!

Ragnar Gustafsson               Hugues Derème
Director General                    Deputy Director General

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