Everything is becoming more expensive – except trademark registration

Just to fill the car with petrol you pay around €2 a litre now. When you do your grocery shopping you pay much more at the till than you did a year ago – and that's not to mention the high energy prices. We have some good news for you though. Would you like to protect your business name effectively by registering your trademark? The price stays the same in 2022. That's the first benefit for you. 

ondernemer registreert merkIf you want to protect your name or logo, you need to register your trademark. You can apply for that with BOIP online. For ten years it will cost you only €244. If your trademark registration is approved, your trademark is then recorded in the Benelux for ten years in the only official trademarks register. 

A no-brainer 

Trademark registration means you have the exclusive right to use your trademark for promoting products and services that correspond to the registration. You can also take action against others who piggy-back on your success. All that for what works out at not even €25 a year! For some entrepreneurs it’s a no-brainer.  

“Register your trademark. See it as an insurance policy.” 

David Behrens – Ping Media 

Before you get going, it’s a good idea to check a few things first.

Are you encountering problems? E-mail us or call, we will be happy to help. 

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