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Are you also using your trademark for products and services for which it has not been registered yet? Check here what you need to do.

With a registered trademark, everything is fine. It means your brand is protected for the products and services you have selected. You do have to keep an eye on it though. This is because your protection does not automatically cover any new products and services you may offer under your brand. 

  • Your brand (name) is only protected for the products and services you selected when you registered your trademark. 
  • You cannot add any products and services to an existing trademark registration. 
  • If you intend to offer new products and services, you need to apply for a new trademark for the products and services not yet covered by your registered trademark.  
Men at work who is happy and dreaming
Thinking of expanding your business with new products and services? Check what you need to do for your trademark protection.

Protection when expanding products and services 

You registered your trademark for a number of specific products and services. Over time though you might have expanded the range of products and services you offer. If so, there are 2 possibilities: 

  1. Do the new products and services fall under the original products and services that you registered your trademark for? If so, your brand protection also covers those new products and services.  
  2. Are you offering completely new products and services that do not fall under the products and services registered originally? If so, your brand protection does not cover those new products and services. This means you must apply for a new trademark registration for those new products and services. 

Take care of your trademark, also after you have registered it 
On our page 'All about trademarks' we have set out everything you need to think about after registering your trademark. 

The new trademark application must also meet the legal dispositions  

There is no alternative option. When you apply for a new trademark, we are required once again to check whether your application meets the statutory requirements for the products and services you select. The 2 important rules are:  

  1. Your trademark must not be descriptive. 
  2. Your trademark must be distinctive.  

Be careful: a trademark that is not descriptive for a particular product or service may actually be descriptive for other products or services. Avoid your trademark registration being refused and ensure that you check properly that your registration meets all the requirements. Information on acceptance and refusal of trademarks

Objections from others against your new trademark application 

This is also something you need to take into account. Another party may file an objection against your new trademark application for new products and services. They can do that if they feel your trademark is very similar to their existing trademark and it has been requested for the same or corresponding products or services. If we find in favour of the other party, we will not register your trademark for those products or services for which an objection was filed successfully. 

Registering your trademark yourself? Register your trademark in four steps 
Registration protects the value of your brand. Be aware: There is a lot to consider when applying for trademark registration. And there are costs involved. Use these four steps to check what opportunities and possibilities are open to you.  

Start the four steps 

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