New privacy rules from 25 May 2018

From 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) shall apply. As of this date, privacy legislation shall be the same throughout the European Union. The GDPR ensures better protection of personal data in the European Union and tightens privacy regulations. This regulation will replace the European privacy directive and all national legislation.

Public registers

It is essential that we protect your data. Our duties by law include processing personal data, such as name, address and place of residence and in some cases e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.  The personal data of trademark and design owners are listed in our public registers as well. Universally accessible, these registers are available for consultation by everybody, all over the world free of charge. These registers are public, because everybody needs to be able to check whether an identical or very similar trademark or design already exists before filing an application.

Protecting your data

We have introduced extensive technical and organisational measures to safeguard the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the data we manage. Our information protection policy is based on the international information protection standard. Pursuant to the GDPR, we have examined and tightened our internal administrative procedures to comply with the obligations deriving from the GDPR.

Interested in more information? Please see our privacy policy.

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