Protecting your intellectual property is a very important matter. At BOIP you can register your trademark or design or record your idea in an i-DEPOT. A fee is charged for this. Different fees are charged for the different registration methods.
You will need to maintain your trademark or design right for it to remain valid.
You can also register your trademark or design outside of the Benelux.
Register a trademark
Once you have registered your trademark you have the exclusive right to use it to promote the goods and services covered by the registration. Registering your trademark also puts you in a better position to take action against those who try to profit from your success. More about trademark registration
Protecting and maintaining your trademark
You will need to maintain the registration of your trademark for it to remain valid. This means that you must monitor your trademark, use it, and keep it up-to-date. You will also need to extend (renew) your registration on time. More about protecting and maintaining trademarks
Registering a design
Once you have registered your design, you will have the exclusive right to use it. Registering your design also puts you in a better position to take action against those who try to profit from your success. More about design registration
Protecting and maintaining your design
You will need to maintain the registration of your design right for it to remain valid. Unlike trademarks, you are not required to use your design right for it to remain valid. You do of course need to renew your design registration on time and keep all of the details up-to-date. More about protecting and maintaining designs
Submitting and maintaining an i-DEPOT
The i-DEPOT is a first step towards protection when developing a product, concept, service, process, or company. It can be used as form of evidence (date stamp). It does not create an intellectual property right. More about submitting an i-DEPOT
You need to maintain an i-DEPOT and renew it on time. It is also possible to make your i-DEPOT full or partially public, or transfer it to another party. More about maintaining an i-DEPOT
Outside of the Benelux
Do you also sell your goods or services outside of the Benelux? If so, you are advised to protect your trademark or design outside of the Benelux. There are various ways of protecting your trademark or design outside of the Benelux, all of which have their own particular pros and cons. More about protecting trademarks and designs out of the Benelux