
The overview below sets out all fees for trademarks, designs and i-DEPOT.
Which fees do you want to see?


i-DEPOT for 5 years € 37
i-DEPOT for 10 years € 53
Extension of i-DEPOT storage period for 5 years € 26
Publication of i-DEPOT € 21
Creation of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) € 15
Objection to publication of public i-DEPOT based on infringement of rights (NTD) € 78

Paper (envelope)

i-DEPOT for 5 years € 47
i-DEPOT for 10 years € 68
Renewal of storage period for 5 years € 47

Credit account

If you want to submit i-DEPOTs regularly, it can be useful to open a credit account via My BOIP.  More about credit accounts

Costs of credits

Open credit account € 209
20 credits € 262 ( € 13.10 per item)
50 credits € 523 ( € 10.46 per item)

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