
The overview below sets out all fees for trademarks, designs and i-DEPOT.
Which fees do you want to see?

Application fees


Application (1 design) € 150

Supplement per extra drawing or design (in the same application)

  • 2nd to 10th drawing or design
  • 11th to 20th drawing or design
  • 21st to 50th drawing or design


  • € 75
  • € 38
  • € 32
Publication characteristic features, per drawing or design € 42
Deferment of publication € 40


1st drawing or design
Online renewal, via My BOIP
€ 102

Supplement per extra drawing or design (in the same application)

  • 2nd to 10th drawing or design
  • 11th to 20th drawing or design
  • 21st to 50th drawing or design


  • € 51
  • € 25
  • € 21
Supplement for renewal and/or payment within six months after expiry date € 12


Transfer, licence, right of pledge or seizure

  • first design
  • second to fifth design
  • each subsequent design


  • € 56
  • € 28
  • free of charge
Cancellation of licence, right of pledge, or seizure free of charge

Change of or appointment of representative after registration

  • first design
  • second to fifth design
  • each subsequent design with the same owner
  • second to fifth design with different owners
  • each subsequent design with different owners


  • € 24
  • € 12
  • free of charge
  • € 12
  • € 2
Modification of name and/or address of applicant, representative, owner or licensee free of charge

Correction of typing errors made by the holder, after registration

  • first design
  • each subsequent design


  • € 20
  • € 10
Registration of declaration of a priority right € 12




  • certified, per registration
  • certificate of right of priority (rule 3.10)
  • pieces not certified, per page
  • pieces, certified, per page
  • translation of public application or registration from English into Dutch or French


  • € 18
  • € 15
  • € 5
  • € 18
  • € 0.22 per word


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