Choosing the name of your business is an important step. How do you know whether you are making the right choice and that the name you choose will not work against someone else?
Use the Name checker to check what already exists before you register your trade name and/or your brand name.
Choosing the name of your business is an important step. How do you know whether you are making the right choice and that the name you choose will not work against someone else?
Use the Name checker to check what already exists before you register your trade name and/or your brand name.
Choosing the name of your business is an important step. How do you know whether you are making the right choice and that the name you choose will not work against someone else?
Use the Name checker to check what already exists before you register your trade name and/or your brand name.
Trade name or trademark? An important difference
There is an important difference between a trade name and a trademark, or brand name. Actively using a trade name automatically gives protection. However, that protection is only valid in the region where the business is active. Beyond that region, it is possible for others to go ahead and use your name. If you want to have the exclusive right to your name, you must apply to register your brand as a trademark. Read more about the difference between trade names and trademarks
About BOIP
BOIP is the English abbreviation, and acronym, for the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property. We are the official body that registers trademarks and designs in the Benelux (i.e. Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). We help entrepreneurs in the Benelux to protect their intellectual property in as simple a manner as possible.
About the Name checker
You can use the Name checker to check whether the name you have chosen is already in use. BOIP and the Chamber of Commerce have built this tool together enabling you with a single search request to search in both the BOIP Trademarks Register and the Chamber of Commerce Business Register. The tool directly shows the most significant results for your name and helps you to interpret them. You will also receive tips on how you can protect your name. It means you can start directly with a strong name for your business.
If you need help or further explanations, please contact the BOIP Information Centre. We will be happy to help you further.
What do I do now?
What do these search results mean and, more importantly, what do I do with them? What does it mean when there are already other trade names and/or trademarks that exist? Does it mean there is a risk? Watch the videos below for more explanation or check the frequently asked questions.
Trade name or trademark? An important difference
There is an important difference between a trade name and a trademark, or brand name. Actively using a trade name automatically gives protection. However, that protection is only valid in the region where the business is active. Beyond that region, it is possible for others to go ahead and use your name. If you want to have the exclusive right to your name, you must apply to register your brand as a trademark. Read more about the differences between trade names and trademarks.
About BOIP
BOIP is the English abbreviation, and acronym, for the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property. We are the official body that registers trademarks and designs in the Benelux (i.e. Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). We help entrepreneurs in the Benelux protect their intellectual property in as simple a manner as possible.
About the Name checker
You can use the Name checker to check whether the name you have chosen is already in use. BOIP and the Chamber of Commerce have built this tool together enabling you with a single search request to search in both the BOIP Trademarks Register and the Chamber of Commerce Business Register. The tool directly shows the most significant results for your name and helps you to interpret them. You will also receive tips on how you can protect your name. It means you can start directly with a strong name for your business.
Do you need help or further explanations? Check the frequently asked questions or contact our colleagues in the BOIP Information Centre. We will be happy to help you further.
Wat betekent dit?
Check dit voordat je jouw naam gaat gebruiken
- Controleer of je de naam in Google tegenkomt. Als iemand anders jouw handelsnaam al langer gebruikt, heeft die ander het oudste recht op die naam. Ook als de ander die naam niet in het KVK Handelsregister heeft laten vastleggen.
- Weet je echt zeker dat jouw naam nog vrij is? Lees dan verder op deze pagina
Hoe nu verder?
Er is een belangrijk verschil tussen een handelsnaam en een merknaam. Als je een handelsnaam actief gebruikt, levert dat automatisch bescherming op. Maar alléén in de regio waar je onderneming actief is. Daarbuiten mogen anderen jouw naam gewoon gebruiken.
Als je je handelsnaam als merk wilt registreren
Wil je het alleenrecht op je naam hebben? Vraag dan een merkregistratie aan bij ons: het Benelux-Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom. Wij zijn de officiële instantie die merken en modellen registreert in de Benelux (België, Nederland, Luxemburg).
Registreer je merk in 4 stappen
Wil je weten hoe je jouw handelsnaam als merk kunt registreren? Doorloop ons 4-stappenplan:
- Check of je merk al bestaat
- Check of je merk onderscheidend is
- Selecteer de juiste producten en/of diensten
- Vraag je merkregistratie aan
Heb je nog vragen over de keuze voor je naam of het gebruik van de Naamchecker? Bekijk de veelgestelde vragen of neem contact op met de medewerkers van het BOIP Informatiecentrum. Wij helpen je graag.
Advies nodig?
Als niet-commerciële en onafhankelijke organisatie geven wij je graag uitgebreid informatie over de mogelijkheden van merkregistratie. Maar we kunnen je niet adviseren over jouw persoonlijke situatie.
Kom je er met onze hulp niet uit? Neem dan contact op met een juridisch specialist in het merkenrecht. Die kan jou adviseren over de beste bescherming van jouw merk en de registratieprocedure voor jou afhandelen. Contactgegevens van specialisten vind je op