Opposition decisions

Date Number Invoked mark Contested mark Fil. no. Decision Language Status
2011630 EUPENER BIER EUPENER BRAUEREI 1320545 Rejected FR Appeal
2007524 ICE ICE WATCH 915975 Rejected FR Appeal
2011445 The Haussmann HAUSSMANN 1311320 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2011861 GENERA GENERATE 1328049 Awarded EN Definitive
2010785 PHOTOBOX INSTANT FOTOBOX 1302070 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2010326 GEARBOXX G GEARBOX 1294687 Awarded NL Definitive
2011791 UHLSPORT USPORT 1322986 Rejected NL Definitive
2010922 Reno RENO 1309587 Rejected NL Definitive
2010489 LABEL LABEE 1297414 Rejected NL Definitive
2010194 APE APEX 1291726 Rejected NL Definitive
2010757 LIFE LIFE MAGAZINE 1301611 Partially awarded FR Definitive
2011092 iss ISSI ASSOCIATION 1311154 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2010902 Cavallaro Cavallaro 1305875 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2010233 Wepa WEPAPERCYCLE 1291660 Rejected NL Definitive
2010772 VAN HOO Van Hoboken 1303420 Rejected NL Definitive
2009903 MARK ADAMS NO 1 MARKTEN 1201181 Rejected EN Definitive
2009902 MARK ADAMS NO 1 MARK 10 1201182 Rejected EN Definitive
2011117 VIVE viviou 1311541 Rejected FR Definitive
2010961 LABEL LabelQ 1307155 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2010900 P'TICHOU P'TIT CHOU 1303027 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2011636 a actuel A 1322031 Awarded NL Definitive
2011635 a actuel A 1322032 Awarded NL Definitive
2010086 MADO MADO 957905 Rejected EN Definitive
2011511 BLUE OFFICE Blue 1319687 Awarded EN Definitive

Invoked mark: ABM/MNC = Algemeen bekend merk / Marque notoirement connue

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