Opposition decisions

Date Number Invoked mark Contested mark Fil. no. Decision Language Status
2001150 AESTHETIC clinics Aesthetic Clinics 1124124 Rejected NL Definitive
2000668 INTERIURA INTERIUS 1112415 Awarded NL Appeal
2001178 NOX NOX 1123073 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2000585 PATHÉ ! Pathé Marconi 883487 Rejected FR Definitive
2000821 SCARGO & YOUNG SCARGO 1117605 Partially awarded NL Appeal
2000632 EYSINK (ABM/MNC) EYSINK 1112620 Rejected NL Definitive
2001028 BINFIKIR (ABM/MNC) BINFIKIR 1123486 Rejected FR Definitive
2000171 FLORA WORLD Floraworld 1096495 Partially awarded NL Definitive
2001387 BHV.NL BHV Kompas.nl 1126116 Rejected NL Definitive
2001484 SPACE advertising space.nl 1130430 Rejected NL Definitive
2000980 HOLLANDIA HOLLANDER 1121890 Rejected NL Definitive
2000979 HOLLANDIA It must be a Hollander 1121889 Rejected NL Definitive
2001255 BUDDHA-BAR BeachBuddha 1125709 Awarded NL Appeal
2001266 BUDDHA-BAR BEACHBUDDHA 1125770 Awarded NL Appeal
2001235 happy with konvert HAPPY AT WORK 1127097 Rejected NL Definitive
2002174 Frigor Frigor 1143440 Awarded NL Appeal
2000301 CRISTALLE CRISTALLE 1106214 Rejected NL Definitive
2000285 PAGES JAUNES EUPAGESJAUNES 1104501 Rejected FR Appeal
2000283 YELLOW PAGES EUyellowpages 1104502 Rejected FR Appeal
2000842 PASSOA PASSA 1118900 Awarded NL Definitive
2000282 YELLOW PAGES euroyellowpages 1104499 Rejected FR Appeal
2000284 YELLOW PAGES european yellowpages 1104497 Rejected FR Appeal
2001238 HERIAN HERIAN 1126964 Awarded NL Definitive
2000637 EMOTION Emocion 1113663 Awarded NL Definitive
2001406 Aladin ALADIN 1128523 Awarded NL Definitive

Invoked mark: ABM/MNC = Algemeen bekend merk / Marque notoirement connue

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